T.I.M.M. starts with Orientation at 9AM on August 3, immediately followed by masterclasses, and an evening performance. It is very important to attend Orientation. We recommend that all participants arrive in Todi on August 2nd.
The festival ends the night of August 17. The last evening includes a performance with orchestra, and a closing ceremony. During the ceremony, each participant will be called on stage to receive a certificate, and to be cheered by the other students, the faculty, and the audience. Please, plan to depart from Todi on August 18th.
Todi can be reached from Rome airport by bus. When planning your arrival to Italy, please make sure you choose to arrive at Rome’s Fiumicino airport (Leonardo da Vinci), and do so in time to catch the last bus for Todi, which departs at 5PM (see the Travel to Todi page). Morning arrivals at the airport are preferable, to ensure more ground transportation options.
Applications must be received by April 15. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance no later than April 30.
Fill out your Application Form, sign (parent or legal guardian signature is required for minors), scan, and email back to
Make sure to attach your biography and one or two artistic pictures! The pictures will also be used for our Facebook page.
In the body of the email, include a YouTube, Vimeo, Bilibili or Youku video link of your playing (either public or unlisted–please no private videos that require passwords!). The video must be recorded at any time after January 1st of this year, to show your current level of playing. The video must feature at least 10 minutes of your playing (longer videos are acceptable). The choice of repertory is entirely free. The video can be recorded with a simple smartphone, or with more sophisticated equipment if available to you. It needs to be unedited (no cuts in the middle of single movements), and have a fixed camera angle showing a clear view of your hands and face profile at all times.
Minors must be accompanied to Todi by a parent or legal guardian, who shall supervise and be responsible for them at all times.
Important: if accepted, payment of the tuition fee (€1800) must be made in full, by wire transfer, upon notification of acceptance. Failure to do so will automatically mean losing your place as a festival participant.
Please, add a message to the wire transfer itself, specifying THE NAME OF THE STUDENT for whom that wire transfer is being made. Always use western characters. Also, as soon as the transfer is made, fill out and email us this form. Finally, send a photo or a scan of the transfer’s receipt. Email everything to
Make sure to like our Facebook Page: as updates are periodically uploaded there, as well. For those who live in China, please add us on WeChat. Our WeChat ID is todimusicmasters
For musical questions, please contact us at or via WeChat: TODIMUSICMASTERS.